Monday, August 13, 2012


My latest obsession.  This does not include the HUGE mirror with it.  I love old waterfall vanities. I don't know why; I just do.  I found one months ago at the local salvation army. It was solid black, no mirror, but a pretty solid piece.  They wanted $40.  I am cheap.  I decided to wait and see if it was still there a week or 2 later, and offer less.  Since I didn't need the project at that moment, I waited. A week later, it was gone and I felt deflated.  I made a decision, if I ever found another, I would grab it if it were under $50.00. 
Fast forward about 6 months and I am working on a beautiful chest of drawers named, Francis.
I am on my way back to work from the bank one payday and there is a "Deseret Industries" a block away.  I stop (just to look... you never know), and there in the little furniture room sits a waterfall vanity. Pretty rough, the lower piece of veneer completely shredded.  But complete, with no other broken pieces. 
No price.... Ugh....
I find someone to ask, at the same time making a deal with myself.... "If it is $25 or less, you have to get it."  Of course it will be MORE than $25.  I set it low to save myself!
The pleasant manager located the price behind the piece attached to .... the mirror!  $25.00.  Well, it was a sign from God.  I had to do it.  My friend, also a refurbishing nut, went with me after work and let the helpers load it into my little SUV.  (What was I going to tell my husband???)

I arrive home 45 minutes later deciding it truly is best to beg forgiveness than ask permission.  Afterall, it was only $25!  I work hard, earn good money.... right???  Here is how it went:

Me:  Honey, I have a problem.
Him:  What's wrong.
Me:  You may have to have an intervention or get me some professional help.
Him:  OK. What did you DO?
Me:  I bought a beat up vanity.
Him:  What's a vanity?

Here is where I told him the story of the other missed vanity and the deal I made with myself about the $25, and yada yada yada.... he laughed at me.

Him:  Whatever makes you happy, Dear.

Do I have an amazing man, or what?  I'm already a recluse.  Add to it these little projects I keep picking up and I can be in hiding for weeks on end. Just me and Gordon Lightfoot!  (OK; maybe a story by Harlan Coban to break up the day).  Anyway.... I'm off to work on this little gem and will keep you updated as to my progress!  Tschuss!

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